
Reasons I Want to Visit Mexico

Those of you that know me will know that I like to really research places before I visit them so I know what I can expect when I get there and so I can really get the best out of our trip. As much as I want to sit on a beach for two weeks and soak up the sun I really want to experience the people, the food and the culture of the place that I am visiting.  Mexico is high on of our places to visit and may be the place we end up for our summer holiday this year and who knows, even our wedding… So because of that I am getting prepared and finding out everything that I want to do while we are there 🙂

El Arco on Bahia

Los Cabos

Los Cabos is a municipality located at the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula and is home to some absolutely stunning beaches. Make sure you check out Los Cabos Villas when planning your holiday as they have some gorgeous villas. A trip to Los Cabos would not be complete without seeing the Arch of Cabo San Lucas which is known locally as El Arco. It’s inaccessible by land so make sure you get a boat taxi and visit Lovers Beach and Divorce Beach while you’re there too 🙂

Las Coloradas

To visit the pink lakes at Las Coloradas has been on my wish list for a long time. Apparently the lakes get their colour from tiny marine micro-organisms that contain beta carotene and I recently learnt that flamingos are pink because they eat these!! *Mind Blown* You can’t swim in the lakes anymore but you can take a tour of them where you will get to see the lakes and lots of wildlife like flamingos and crocodiles. The lake colour depends on the sun light and the salt production from the factory so I hear people are often disappointed that they don’t get to see pink lakes but the area is beautiful apparently so well worth it.

Parque Nacional Islas Marietas

Playa del Amor – The Hidden Beach

I love the idea of visiting The Hidden Beach on The Marieta Islands which was apparently created by deliberate bombings. The Mexican government would test their weapons on The Marieta Islands because it has always been uninhabited so was the perfect place to safely test them. The Marieta Islands are now a national park, no one lives there but it does have lots of tourists. The only way to get to the hidden beach is by a long water tunnel. Sounds fun doesn’t it?!

Photo by Herson Rodriguez on Unsplash

The Food

Really do I need to say anymore? I love Mexican food but I’m betting I haven’t experienced anything close to how good it would taste in Mexico! I love trying different food from all around the world.

El final

Carnaval (Mardi Gras)

Carnaval is an official Mexican holiday and begins the week before lent, it is celebrated with parades, floats, costumes, music and dancing in the streets. I’d love to go and experience Carnaval in Mazatlan where over 300,000 turn out to celebrate.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

The Beaches

Mexico has so many gorgeous beaches and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to spend my whole holiday on a lounger on the beach soaking up the sun and listening to the waves. I just love everything about the beach and would happily stay there all day if the pull to explore wasn’t greater.

Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta is a beach resort city which is my idea of absolute heaven. The beach mixed with the bustle of city life is like a dream for me! I love to relax but I love to explore, shop and eat 🙂

Photo by Filip Gielda on Unsplash

Chichen Itza

I am a huge fan of history and always love to learn about how people lived, I find it so incredibly interesting and often mind blown at how different things were to how they are now. My sister wrote about her visit to Chichen Itza and ever since then I have always wanted to go and I love the idea of cooling off in the Cenote afterwards.


Mexico City

When I think about Mexico City the one things that excites me the most is visiting the markets! Getting to see all the different fruit and vegetables and other produce that I might not have come across before. I think that is one of the best things about travelling, seeing the difference in everyone’s lives. Of course there are many other things in Mexico City that I’d love to see including the Pyramid of the sun, the Frida Kahlo Museum, the Museo Soumaya and I just have to see La Isla de las Muñecas (Island of the Dolls) which is probably somewhere that I wouldn’t be able to take the kids because it looks absolutely terrifying. Can you imagine walking around an island where hundreds of dolls are just hanging…

I see dead dolls ...

Freaky right? But strangely fascinating!

Have you ever been to Mexico? I’d love to hear what you got up to and what you would recommend doing if you have. It is always good to get other people advice and experiences before you travel somewhere, I really like to understand as much as I possibly can before I do anything so the more I can find out the better 🙂

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