Days Out

My Happy Days

How’s everyone feeling about the lockdown restrictions easing today? I’ve not made any plans to shop, eat out or get beautified as I am sure it is going to be so busy out there this week. I think I’ll wait a couple of weeks for the excitement to die down and for the kids to go back to school. Until then I’ll just be continuing as we have for the past year, just going out when necessary and meeting friends at the park. I have booked a nail appointment for the end of April and I really cannot wait for that and I’m looking forward to a pub lunch with my oldest son very soon too. Here’s what has been keeping me happy over the last week 🙂

Monday 5th April – Out for a walk with the family on Monday afternoon, such a lovely way to finish the Easter weekend. Don’t let the blue sky fool you though, it was absolutely freezing!

Tuesday 6th April – Tuesday called for a glass of wine and a lovely long soak in the bath with a peachy bath bomb 🙂

Wednesday 7th April – A sweaty mess after finishing a workout. Today I completed The Body Coach Graduate Plan, six months of amazing food and fantastic workouts. I’ve loved every single minute, I’ve now signed up to his new app to continue my journey. I’ve lost a total of 15KG and 24 inches over the last six months and could not be happier. I have never been as fit and as strong as I am now!

Thursday 8th April – Grey’s Anatomy and coffee… Oh Happy Day indeed 🙂

Friday 9th April – I got to go to my friend’s garden last night to drink cocktails and eat cupcakes. It was soooooo good to get out and see my friend’s again, we’d not been together since September so it was amazing to finally get together. I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in ages.

Saturday 10th April – Time for some me time with this cute little bunny bath bomb 🙂

Sunday 11th April – Seeing all the pretty blossom that is around at the moment really does make me happy 🙂

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