Days Out

I really like plant babies

Jeez this has been a tough week… I got myself so wrapped up in the disappearance of poor Sarah Everard and was trying to be so positive that they would find her that I was pretty broken when they found her body. I feel so so sorry for her family now and just wish that she had been found alive and well. Social media has been a very hard place to be this last week and I have found myself stepping back because as much as I want to be involved and stand up for women’s rights it really has drained me mentally. So I’m going to stop talking about it now because this post is supposed to be my happy post each week and if I feel the need to rant then I will do that in another post.

There have been some happy times at home this week and I’m thankful for this project as it really makes me sit back and appreciate the little things each day 🙂

I signed up to Barry’s Cactus Club subscription last year and had my fourth delivery on Monday. I absolutely love my plant babies, they really do make me so happy. If you love plants then I’d highly recommend this subscription 🙂

I’ve been wanting to start a bullet journal for a long time but haven’t really had much need over the last year as we haven’t had many plans! When I saw The Positive Bullet Diary in the sale in January I thought I’d get it and wait for life to start happening again! So with the kids going back to school and lockdown starting to ease I though March would be the perfect time. Nine days in and I am really loving it!

Just got out the shower feeling lovely and relaxed. I’ve felt really good today and got lots done but haven’t been able to stop thinking about poor Sarah Everard all day and now ‘human remains’ have been found. I am just so gutted for her family. Heartbreaking 😢

A vase full of sunshine 🥰

Well I was going to have a glass of wine this evening but I’m absolutely knackered so coffee it is. I ended up having an early night which was rather lovely. 🥰

Finally got my glass of wine, I think it’s probably only my second glass this year, it was really nice but I don’t really miss drinking that much anymore. Last year I drank loads during lockdown so I’m pleased that I have weaned myself off that little problem. Sat down to watch Star Wars together… can you believe I have never watched any of the Star Wars films before? To be honest I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on much either 😉

Sunday was Mother’s Day and I got spoiled as per usual. We had afternoon tea delivered which was absolutely amazing! I just wish that I could have seen Liam and my Mum, that would have made it perfect!

I hope you’ve all had a good week too! I’m off to clean the house now! Fun times 😉

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