Days Out

happy to be getting ready to go back to school

A few years a go I did a project called 100 happy days where I took a photo of something happy that happened no matter how small everyday for 100 days. I really loved doing the project and have recently really enjoyed looking back through it. I didn’t actually make it all the way to 100 days but regardless of that it made me much happier, to just stop once a day to appreciate something that makes me happy.

I’ve been struggling with lockdown this year, I think it must be the weather and missing my family and friends so I felt I really needed something to help me focus on the positive side a little bit more. So here I am back with My Happy Days project, here is my first week – why not try the project for yourself if you are feeling a little glum. I’m sharing on Instagram too so feel free to come over and follow me on there 🙂

Today was the day I decided I am going to restart my happy days project. My blog and Instagram have been severely neglected over the last year so now is the time I am going to pick them up again. I decided all this while sitting with a coffee watching Firefly Lane on Netflix (which I absolutely loved by the way). Anyway I was sat admiring my new mug (bought from the lovely Little Love of Mine) and thought YES! that is just what I need… more happy days! So here I am 🙂

Tulips are my absolute favourite flower and just really make me happy! They are the first tulips I have had this year as I’d not been to any shops since before Christmas so they are super special 🙂

Feeling really good after finishing my last workout of cycle 5 of The Body Coach graduate plan. I started on The Body Coach 90 day plan back in September, graduated at Christmas and then started the graduate plan in January. So far I have lost 13.5kg and feel really good!

Went out for an evening run and then spent an hour soaking in a hot bath. It was heavenly!

Friday was our last day of homeschooling, so we finished at lunch time and then snuggled up to watch Soul on Disney Plus. Oh wow; what a lovely film that is! We both really enjoyed it; it really made us think and have a good conversation about finding our purpose in life.

Saturday evening was Masterchef catch up time, we don’t get chance to sit down and watch it during the week so leave it to watch all in one go on a Saturday night. All washed down with a lovely gin & tonic 😉

Someone was very happy to be getting ready to go back to school to see his friends. He loves bath time just as much as I do, it gives us a good chance to chat and he couldn’t stop going on about seeing his friends! I am so pleased the schools have gone back for the kid’s sakes. They need to be with their friends… I’m missing him like crazy today though!

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