Days Out

Hope everyone is safe

It really feels like Spring today, everything feels like it has lifted a little bit. I’m so looking forward to the lockdown restrictions starting to relax now and just hope that the number of cases and deaths keeps getting smaller and smaller and the government’s roadmap really does happen. For now I’m feeling positive about it and am so excited about getting to see my son, my parents, my sisters and my friends really really soon!

Sat appreciating my beautiful Mother’s Day flowers from my eldest. I’ve not seen him since the beginning of December and I miss him so much. He never fails to make me feel special on Mother’s Day though… and all year round really! He’s turned into such a lovely man!!

It couldn’t have got much happier than this on Tuesday! French toast with bacon and maple syrup… Just one of the reasons I am loving doing The Body Coach Graduation Plan!

Wednesday was an AMAZING day as we both got our COVID-19 vaccination! We are so very thankful to have had our first jab! To think just over a year ago no one had heard of COVID-19 and now we have a vaccination! Isn’t science just incredible!

Happiness for me on Thursday was getting into bed that evening… I didn’t experience any symptoms after having the jab but boy was I tired on Thursday evening… not sure if that was the vaccine or just life in general 😉

An early night with my book on Friday. I’ve only just started reading The Mind Management Programme for Confidence, Success and Happiness but have heard great things. Really trying to control my inner chimp but I think its going to take some doing 😉

I haven’t been to the hairdressers in over a year now and it’s really starting to get me down. I decided to colour my hair to try and liven it up a bit and cover some of my grey. It turned out ok, a bit of a weird colour and didn’t cover all my grey but it is better than it was… it just needs a really good cut now! Roll on April!

Watching Guardians of the Galaxy with this one! What with him and Boo I don’t think I will ever get a decent photo again… if it’s not silly faces it’s rude finger gestures! Hey ho… at least it looks like we are having fun, right 😉

That’s it from me for now, hope you are all ok and not getting to down with the current circumstances.

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